Going carol singing? Now you can read the words even if it’s dark! Over 40 carols presented to you ready to sing, all in the palm of your hand. Your phone screen makes all the carols readable at all times so it’s perfect for carols by candlelight and outdoor carol services when it’s dark. Change the font, the font size and customize the colour of both. One button push optimizes it for those who are visually impaired giving you yellow text on a blue background. Use it at church services when the songwords are too far away to be clear.You can build a song list (called a Playlist) and then flow from one carol to the other. You can click to download the sheet music and guitar charts FREE from WeAreWorship.com as well as discovering the new version of Silent Night (Christ the Saviour Is Born). We’ve set it up so you can watch the tutorial video and learn this new song, as well as watch some other videos all about Silent Night (Christ The Saviour Is Born).If you like it, then you can Share it with your friends – and then they get their own version. Your whole choir could have their own version. No more problems with shining torches onto carol sheets in the dark.This is all part of the Christmas No.1 campaign spearheaded by HOPE in partnership with TearFund, Sports Chaplaincy, Integrity Music and WeAreWorship. Check the ‘About’ page for links to visit them all.